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Welcome to Radiant Life Yoga
We are a yoga community in Uptown Minneapolis. Radiant Life is dedicated to Yoga as a practice to unlock our highest personal potential. our practice is to nurture, improve health, encourage harmony and to spiritual growth, all while providing a complete, experiential education in holistic living. These practices can help you feel your Best.
Join us for a class today!

Our school emphasizes development of conscious awareness. Flowing sequences and pranayama are balanced with philosophy, reflection and restorative posture—all placed within the larger context and intention of yoga practice.

New students welcome! Join us for a class or workshop at our convenient location in Uptown Minneapolis. We offer daily classes on a drop-in basis. All experience levels welcome.

Attend Live streamed classes from the comfort of home, or utilize our video library any with a monthly membership.
Teacher Trainings
Dive deep into the foundations of yoga. Our comprehensive yoga teacher training programs are designed in accordance with the Yoga Alliance 200 & 300-hour certifications. In addition to learning to teach asana and dharma, you will embark on a healing journey of your own—through nutrition, meditation, and self-reflection. Many students enroll with no desire to teach, but want to deepen their knowledge of yoga.
Deepen your personal practice and take your teaching skills to the next level. The 300 hour further deepens study of Hatha and Raja Yoga, and also introduces Tantric practice. Our 300 hour is built on a modular schedule to be flexible to the realities of life. The work we do in this program aims to help you find your authentic voice as a vehicle for the ancient tradition of yoga.
Yin Yoga Teacher Training
Yin Yoga is a restorative practice that focuses on the joints rather than the muscles. This style of yoga helps your students gain flexibility, release tension and calm the central nervous system. This weekend intensive covers anatomy, hands-on adjustments, intelligent sequencing, philosophy and more. You’ll leave with the confidence and expertise to lead a full 75-minute class.
Hours can be counted towards Continuing Education Credits or towards your 300-Hour Certification.
The Radiant Life Yoga teacher training program is a radical undertaking, which goes far beyond asana and into the roots of yoga in the truest sense. Our Teachers are absolute gems, and it continues to be an honor to practice with them!
Radiant Life Yoga’s training is lead by exceptionally dedicated teachers who give themselves fully to their seva (selfless service). At the same time, they are able to bring flexibility to their approach and the individual needs of each student. Highly recommended!
Radiant Life Yoga’s teacher training was transformative for my practice, teaching skills and well-being. Given the chance to do it all over again, I would. Only sooner.
Studio Classes
An exquisitely designed flow of postures invokes sacred physical geometry while cleansing the subtle bodies and opening the heart. Inspiring music, dharma, adjustments, pranayama, and meditation will open you up from the inside out. Tap into your limitless potential. We allow for a long, restorative savasana at the end of your practice to soak in all the benefits.
Detailed alignment of quintessential yoga postures such as Down Dog, Warrior I, Warrior II, Triangle and Extended Side Angle. This practice stretches and strengthens the entire body. Pranayama, bandhas, and meditation are included in the flow. All levels welcome.
Gentle, restorative stretches with long holds. Most of the postures are done on the floor with support of bolsters. Builds deep flexibility of body, mind, and spirit.
Free Community Meditation. 1/2 hour of guided, seated meditation with a focus on relaxation, mindfulness, self-inquiry, and liberation. No experience necessary. Cushions provided. Class is free for all.
Class Schedule
Doors are open 15 minutes before and after classes.
1 Class
5 Classes
10 Classes
5 Class Monthly
Nutrition and Herbalism
Many elements make up your nutrition. The pure foods we eat become our physical body and affect mind, emotions and subtle aspects.
Herbs and flower essences act as allies to fine tune and support beauty, an open heart, and balance for health and vitality.
We offer consultations to expand your understanding of the power of using foods and herbs to provide nourishment and healing.